Ecru Solid Top With Trousers Co-Ords Sets
This co-ords consists of Waistcoat and trouser Ecru Waistcoat, has V Neck collar, Short Sleeves, button closure regular waist hem Beige mid-rise Trouser, slip-on closure and 1 Pocket and flared hem. This coordinating set features a comfortable, stylish waistcoat and mid-rise trousers in a versatile ecru color. The waistcoat is designed with a V-neck collar, short sleeves, and a button closure for a classic look, while the trousers offer a convenient slip-on closure and a flared hem for an added touch of femininity. Plus, with its regular waist hem and single pocket, the trousers are both practical and elegant.
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- Dispatch Days: We dispatch orders within 1-2 days.
- Delivery Date: We usually take 2-5 working days depending on your location.
Metros 2-3 days
Rest of India 3-5 days
Returns, Exchange, & Refund Policy
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